My name is Kirk. I am 47 years old. I am a divorced father of a lovely daughter. I was born and raised in a loving Christian family and graduated from a Christian high school. I received my Associated Degree in Business from Prudue University, graduating with honors finishing with a 3.83 GPA. 

I am also Kirk, a drug addict. I have spent time in five drug rehabilitation centers, two half-way houses, the holding cell of a major league baseball stadium, three city jails, four county jails, two minimum security prison, one medium security prison and two maximum security prisons. I have been shot at, beaten with a baseball bat and have seriously contemplated suicide three times. All of this because of an insatiable thirst for drugs and alcohol. 

I am now Kird, a new creation. "Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new." 2 Corinthians 5:17

I have undergone a complete transformation during my time here at the Elkhart County Jail. Through weekly Bible studies, encouragement, love and prayers the volunteers at the Elkhart County Jail have consistently shown me a better way to live. The visits I have received from my pastor, other members of my support group, a professor from Bethel College I met with every Thursday morning an the private conversations I have had with our Chaplain have had the most impact on me. 

I have learned that my faith cannot be a hobby. It requires a conscious decision to change EVERYTHING in my life. I am now focused on becoming a man of strong character and integrity, for myself and for my family.
