“ When I see the chaplains, I always see love they have for me in their eyes. ~ Stacey
“ The Jail Ministry has given me the tools needed to make a successful reentry into society. ~ Micah
“ Out of all the negatives of being incarcerated, the Jail Ministry is the one shining light. ~ Phillip
“ I’ve changed my ways, and I am so grateful for the help of the Jail Ministry. ~ Teri
“ Never too late to change ~ Megan
“ I can honestly say life is good. Thank you, Jail Ministry. ~ Andrew
“ Who I Am Right Now ~ Ashley
“ I plan to continue on this path after prison... ~ Greg
“ Thank you so very much for the experience and the opportunity you both have given me today to share my testimony. ~ Jorge
“ I wasn't much of a people person... ~ Brianna
“ I am forever loved and set free in Jesus. I have been redeemed. ~ Genessa
“ I asked God... ~ Knesha
“ God has given me peace through this hard time in my life. ~ Blanca
“ To everyone reading this: just know when you go through tough times, God is with you... ~ Iman
“ At that moment something filled my heart with love. ~ Eric
“ Now I know I'm forgiven ~ Richard
“ The people at the Elkhart County Jail...have reminded me why I was created. Thank God my redeemer lives. ~ Vanessa
“ I heard of this great and loving family that I actually qualified to be a part of. ~ David
“ I've thanked the Lord for saving me from myself. ~ Ashley
“ Well, I've been on this rollercoaster for over 20 years knowing the outcome, yet I continue purchasing tickets for another ride, at times budging in line. Today I choose to make a stand and no longer ride anymore! ~ Corey
“ I gave up on God and I gave up on myself and was hanging with the old crew ‘cause the drug game accepts anyone and everyone no matter the way you look or how scared you are inside. ~ Thomas
“ I asked God to come into my life and remove the anger that was in my heart. ~ Michael AKA The Podfather
“ I'm proof that God can put a broken person back together. ~ Emily
“ Sitting down at a table and talking with men who are in tough, real life situations exposes my own weakness. ~ Nathan
“ I'm in a rebuilding stage of my life, and I've come to the realization that without God I can't rebuild anything. ~ Terry
“ I've been with many people, but few have taught me what I learned during my time with the men at the Elkhart County Jail. ~ Bob Goff
“ I have made some very special friends in jail. ~ Marlene Bontrager
“ I am a completely different person than I was before my baptism in B Pod at the Elkhart County Jail. ~ Kirk
“ Minds are being opened through The Truth Project. One of the many classes offered at the Elkhart County Jail. ~ The Truth Project
“ God has a way of taking a train wreck of a life and turning it around to glorify him. ~ Randy
“ The more I focus on God the smaller everything else gets. ~ Doug
“ I've always been a believer in Christ, I just haven't always let Him lead my life. ~ Jody
“ That day in jail I got on my knees and I yelled to God to please help me take away this pain. ~ James
“ I'm not a Rebel today, I'm Brother EJ. That was something that was really hard for me to do. It took a lot of courage to retire my Rebel Cause patch. I can't be the driver anymore. It's up to God to take the wheel. Things are going good. God has provided me with a piece of mind and a purpose of being. ~ EJ
“ I have been at the Elkhart Jail for 15 months and it has changed my life. ~ Letcher