Growing up, I was very troubled. I never knew my dad and had several father figures in my life. My family was in this cycle of abuse and addiction that led me into foster care just before high school. I moved and was transferred to four high schools. These events led me to feeling very lost and out of place, and I began dating at a very young age, looking for love and stability in relationships. I was desperate and lost, and I ended up in many bad situations and relationships that introduced me to the real darkness of the streets. My addiction was my answer to fill that void of feeling lost. I had three children and was married three times by the age of 26.

While I was at my lowest, incarcerated for what felt like the 100th time, I met Jail Ministry volunteers who taught me about God’s love. They helped me understand that I was, in fact, a child of God, and that it was okay to make mistakes. They made me realize that I was wanted and important, and that it wasn’t too late to change. The Jail Ministry provided me with the love and stability I’ve always wanted in my life. They provided me with the knowledge of the Man I always needed but never knew I had.

Since I’ve been released from jail I have been blessed with the support of the whole ministry team, as I’m now living in a Jail Ministry reentry home. I will forever be grateful for the opportunities I’ve been given that wouldn’t have existed without them. Ironically, I found out what I needed in my darkest moments in life because of everything they do. The Jail Ministry hasn’t just helped me; they saved my life.
