I began serving at the ECJ for several reasons. One reason is that, like Peter, I wanted to get out of the boat!  Another is that 1 John 2:6 repeatedly challenges the socks off of me.  “Whoever claims to live in him must walk as Jesus did.”  It’s active. It is words coming off of the page and into every day life.  Sitting down at a table and talking with men who are in tough, real life situations exposes my own weakness.  It corners me into abiding in His leading and strength. Many times, I have told men, “Look guys, I have to hammer this stuff out in my life just like you do. Life is messy. Relationships can be difficult."  Jesus gave us the body of believers so we can walk it out together. These guys often pray and intercede for me right on the spot. They pray that I will effectively walk out God’s love as I talk with and minister to men. Even when they leave the jail to go to prison, many continue praying. I need that and they know it. For me, there is nothing more encouraging than when an inmate at the bottom of life gets ahold of Jesus, and he immigrates out of the Kingdom of Darkness into Light. I think, “Yes! God is alive, close by and engaged.  I just saw him in action.” Seeing that brings so much life.
